
Comprehensive and in-depth evaluation services are conducted in order to determine whether a child presents with a communication delay/disorder as well as the nature and severity of that delay/disorder.  The following areas will be assessed during this in-depth evaluation:

  • Articulation/Phonology

  • Receptive Language

  • Expressive Language

  • Pragmatics

  • Fluency  

  • Voice

Evaluations are conducted during one or multiple sessions and incorporate formal evaluation measures, clinical observation, and parent/caregiver report.  After completion of the evaluation, the therapist will provide a written report as well as discuss the results in detail and whether services are recommended.  Furthermore, should services be warranted, the therapist and child’s family/caregiver will discuss and develop both short-term goals that will be targeted during therapy sessions as well as long-term communication goals that are functional and appropriate for the child and family across settings.